Issue 45

Research has proven that as we get older we often stop doing things we used to do i.e. our hobbies, feeding our adventurous spirit, reading, listening to music etc. etc.

“Time Poverty means that while we are allowing ourselves to be engulfed in the internet
revolution to continuously find smarter ways of solving our everyday problems,
we are equally compromising the time we spend with the people and things we love.”
Shobhit Dixit

Over time I have come to realise that unless we pursue the things we love to do and the things that make us come alive we are unfulfilled. We lose balance and perspective. However when we do what makes us feel alive we make love to life.

I would like to share some of my loves that make me come alive and hopefully awaken some of yours!

Ever since I can remember I have loved animals – all animals regardless of size or shape. I have fostered abandoned and abused cats and kittens, rescued animals from pet shops and from the side of the road…saved birds, mice, lizards. You name it! My love of animals has given me immense joy and happiness. Although it too has brought tears and sadness especially when one loses an animal one loves. However being with animals makes me come alive.

Here are 2 photos – so many years apart however the look on my face in each tells a story.

Since childhood I have loved the sea. Seaside holidays were just the best. That feeling of being at the ocean has stayed with me all my life. The crashing waves, the screech of seagulls, the smell of the ocean breeze, the stars at night that look somehow different… all of this feeds my soul and makes me come alive.

One of the most special places in the world!

So what makes you come alive? Are you avoiding or resisting what you love to do?

Some guidelines:


Suspend self-judgment – we often don’t do things we love because we don’t want to look stupid. You don’t have to be an expert at something to love it. I certainly am no photography expert however I love taking photos and they all have precious memories.


Self-improvement is a process – the more you do something the better you get at it. Any skill over time will improve with practice. So get out there and start doing!


Stop making excuses – “I’m too busy”; “I’ve got better things to do” – you know your excuses so stop making them!


Remember what you loved to do as child – did you love to climb trees, play with animals, make things, collect shells... close your eyes and let your mind wander to that time of wonderful childlike freedom and joy!

Believe it or not we are often at our most productive when what we are doing has absolutely no purpose… except to us.

When we are doing things we love we come alive and lose track of time. What a wonderful thing!

Please contact Terry on +27 82 553 3581 for any details or information on any of her courses.
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Professional Member: Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA)

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